Day 9: #Unproductivity

Wednesday, June 20, 2012 | |


Today was one of the most unproductive , lazy days I have had in awhile, and it was really needed. I did pretty much NOTHING today. I woke up, and went to auditions for the Forsythe and Jasperse Projects. The auditions ran from 10:15AM-12:15PM. These were the final auditions that I am going to be partaking in for a few weeks at least. There is one more potential audition that I foresee attending which is for the Shen Wei Dance Arts Company Audition for their Project that they will be showing at the North Carolina Museum of Art. I am guessing their performance will be some sort of installation in the art gallery?

Anyways, the auditions today were a lot more laid back which could mean that it could really go either way for me as far as results. The auditions were Improvisation-based. This means that the auditioners give you around 30 seconds per person to pretty much show the panel what you have to offer as an artist in whatever way you want. This means that you need to become smart and make sure that you do your research before showing up to an audition like this, so you know what they are looking for specifically, which I failed to do... I thought I had more knowledge about the styles, but I don't think I exactly knew what I should be showing them. The problem with doing an Improvisational structure for the audition is that what content you show them can become a problem if you do not know how to properly market yourself as an artist. Plus, doing this all in a matter of seconds can become hard. Improvisation is supposed to be something that comes from within and that can provide your body with a natural way of moving within your own shape flow ( or internal sense of movement patterns), but you also have to form to what people are looking for.

Anyways, after the audition I came back and had lunch and then went to the Ark to see if postings were listed. There was nothing posted at 1:30PM...The Forsythe Project Rehearsal began at 1:30PM but ended up being pushed back to 1:50PM...I didn't get in of course haha, but I also didn't expect to get in. Still don't know about Jasperse but If I don't get accepted it's not a huge deal. I am just trying to do as much as ADF will allow me to...Although you wouldn't know that if you saw me today.  

After I went to the Ark I came home and proceeded to spend my entire day watching Breaking Bad. Oh my goodness. That show is so addicting. I was going to: go to Hip-hop drop in class, potentially go to the gym, potentially go somewhere to tan on campus... No. What did I do? Sit in my bed for the remainder of the day and watch this show. I have watched almost 2.5 seasons in less than five days. This is an unhealthy habit all due to my wonderful boyfriend who introduced the show to me. Thank you Ben.... 

However, I do not feel guilty indulging in a day of rest and laziness, because the next five weeks are going to be up and active every day. I think after this crazy weekend, my roommate Emma and I deserve to sit on our butts all day and sleep and watch TV shows and eat fatty foods ( in specific Cookout). 

At least, that's what I'm telling myself. 

It's also that time of the month where mother nature likes to remind us how great it is to be a woman. So thank you mother nature for this wonderful excuse for a day off!



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